Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Below is a lengthy accumulation of information my wife and I learned during my
cancer ordeal (beginning in October, 1997). At the time, my wife and I had been
married 7 years and our children were ages: (4), (2) and (1). We were told matter-offactly that I had 6 months to live, that there was no cure, that my type of cancer
always returned within a few months of treatment. Then, we were told with
treatment I had less than the average survival odds (12-months) because my tumor
was so advanced.
We decided to do the normal options of surgery, chemo and radiation, but also
decided to pursue other means since the doctors gave us no hope. The main option
was prayer and after that -- so many wonderful things happened that can only be
credited to God and would require a lengthy separate discussion.
Please just know that the "natural" options are completely opposite of the "traditional"
options of chemo, radiation and surgery. I say this only because you will quickly find
that if you start to ask either type of doctor his/her opinion about the other’s methods,
both sides tend to discount any idea that the opposing viewpoint is correct. What I
learned from having a great oncologist was that I could do all the natural methods
because they CANNOT interfere with the traditional.
Please also know that my wife and I are not doctors and we don't give medical advice.
We are, however, willing to discuss any part of this information or our experience in
hopes of helping others to benefit from our ordeal and to beat this dreaded disease.
I wish you the best results with whatever method you choose to fight this disease.
May God Bless You,
Richard & Tyra Wiebe
The Food and Drug Administration prohibits me from making any claims
regarding the use of any product or information in this booklet whether in
written or electronic from. As a non-physician, I cannot say that this
information will cure disease or even that it will improve your health in any way.
However, I can share the experiences of others who have used this information
and myself.Contents
Note from the Author 2
Disclaimer from the Author 3
Section 1: Introduction 6
Section 2: The Bombshell 10
Six months to live
The Problem
Section 3: What Is Cancer 17
 Tumors Are A Symptom, Not A Disease
 Three Stages of Cancer Development
What Causes Cancer
Section 4: Weakened Immune System 20
 SAD diet
The 5 White Poisons
 Immune Function
Parasites and Mucus
Section 5: Complicating Issues 24
 Sodium / Potassium Balance
Aerobic vs. Anaerobic
 Facts About Cancer
 What’s Missing
Section 6: Tradition vs. Nutrition 26
Traditional (Allopathic) Medicine
 Nutritional (Homeopathic) Medicine
 Reduction Of Tumor Burden
The Solution
Section 7: Reverse The Cancer 29
Rebuild Immune Function
Detoxifying The Body
The Bad News
The Good News
Fiber CleanseParasites and Mucus
 Sodium vs. Potassium Balance
Live Foods
 Enzyme Supplements
 Enzymes and Chemotherapy
Section 8: Acidity / Alkalinity 36
 Acidic pH
 Alkaline pH
Green Drinks For Alkalinity
Test Your pH With pH Strips
Section 9: Stress 39
Reduce Or Eliminate
Institute Hobbies
 Forgive Others
Section 10: Exercise 40
Section 11: Harmful Foods To Avoid 42
Section 12: Helpful Foods 43
Section 13: Diet Change Summary 44
Section 14: Additional Suggestions 45
 Avoid Aluminum
Section 15: Juicing 46
Why Juicing
Why Not Eat The Whole Vegetable
Cooked Food Is Dead
Juice Recipe Suggestion:
Juicer Selection
Section 16: Juice Plus+ 48
The Alternative To Juicing
Independent Research
Garden Blend Capsules
Orchard Blend Capsules
Juice Plus+ Dosage Recommendations
Section 17: Supplements 52
Other Anti-angiogenesis SuggestionsVitamin C
Fighting Cancer
Section 18: Possible Additional Therapies 55
Section 19: Best Doctors 56
Section 20: Resources 57
Appendix A: Coffee Enema Administration 58
Appendix B: Coffee Enema Benefits 62Section 1
This is a fair question. As much as I will encourage you to question many things
along this journey that you are now on, I would hope that you would be asking
yourself why you would even consider the information in this booklet. There are
certainly plenty of books out there by people educated at respectable institutions, with
impressive titles and letters behind their names. While many of these folks write
quality literature, there are plenty of educated ignorant people who author ridiculous
My qualifying factor is this – I’ve been there. My degree is from the school of hard
knocks. If you are a cancer patient reading this book and especially if you are a
cancer patient who has been given a terminal prognosis, then I’ve been where you are.
I’ve walked a “mile in your shoes” and then some.
Also, consider this. I don’t charge for this information. I’m not asking you for
money. The God of the universe has Blessed me by sparing my life and given me a
second chance at life. He has allowed me to spend more time on the planet with my
family. He has allowed me be here long enough that even if I get hit by a truck
tomorrow my 3 children will remember me. That wasn’t the case when I was
diagnosed in 1997 and my children were ages 4, 2 and 1.
He has Blessed me by allowing me to stay a little longer and help others.
It’s my mission, it’s my ministry, and it’s as simple as that.
The purpose of this booklet is to give the cancer patients a bottom line, (Crash
Course) in what they need to know about reversing cancer. Can every cancer be
reversed? No. There comes a point in the process where the sheer volume of
cancerous cells becomes too overwhelming for the body to deal with. However,
often this is not nearly as early in the progression of the disease as many people are
led to believe. There are numerous clinics around the world that have cured
supposedly “hopeless” and “terminal” patients who have been told to prepare for
their own demise.
I was one of those hopeless and terminal patients. Originally, I never dreamed I
would be cured. My wife and I became very practical in the face of my death. We
were merely looking for ways to extend my 6-month prognosis in hopes of anadditional month or two. We had our depressed days and nights (nights are worse).
We know what its like to stay awake crying and telling each other how much we love
each other and how we didn’t want to be separated by death. We’ve had the talks
about whether or not the kids will remember their father and whether or not the other
spouse should ever remarry. We’ve had the talks about what should be included in
farewell videos to the children by their father. What important subjects would need to
be addressed in videos for important future events in the children’s lives (i.e. A
“Sweet Sixteen” video for my daughter, graduation videos, wedding videos, etc.) So,
as for walking “through the valley of the shadow of death”, we’ve been there.
However, we didn’t know then what we know now, and that’s what I’m going to share
with you in this booklet.
I’m no longer interested in “feeling better while dying”, having “quality of life before
the end” or “prolonging the inevitable”. If those are your goals, I’m going to suggest
that you consider changing them or else this booklet probably isn’t for you. However,
if you are ready to take charge and make some serious changes in your life to reverse
a serious disease, then you have found a valuable resource.
As I mentioned, this booklet is a “Crash Course”. It is an outline, if you will, of
important topics with a little bit of background on each. I try to explain each subject
with enough detail to make sense and answer the basic question of “why” behind each
theme. The explanations are not meant to be exhaustive. I encourage you to read this
information with a pen in your hand and make notes where necessary. Be prepared to
write down anything that doesn’t make sense to you so that you can go back to it after
you’ve finished reading. If you’re half as skeptical as I was (and you should be) you
will have questions about some of this information. Much of it will be opposite of
what your doctor (who was never trained in nutrition during medical school) thinks.
These areas will either make sense to you or become a cause for additional research.
To help you with your research, I have listed several resources at the end of this
booklet. However, there are many other resources out there. Most notably, the
Internet. My goal is simply to introduce and explain several crucial topics.
People beat cancer all the time. Even those given a terminal prognosis and a short
time frame to live. There is, for example, a clinic with offices in San Diego whose
treatment plan for cancer has cured 1000’s of terminally ill cancer patients over the
past 50+ years. (More on that later.)
I feel that one of our problems as Americans is that we spend too much of our time
worrying about trivial issues. Most people can’t remember this week the issues thathad them upset and “stressed out” last week. They remember that they had a fight
with their spouse or with their kids…but they can’t tell you a week later what it was
Okay, you have cancer, but YOU ARE STILL HERE! Cherish your family, friends,
the natural beauty of the world around you, laughter, love, children playing…etc.
Settle your eternity issues. If you’re not right with God – Get Right! Not later and
not so that you can be ready to die, but so that you can “LIVE” starting now. Over
90% of Americans say they believe in God and over 80% believe in heaven. If you’re
one of these people this means you believe there is life after death. So for you life is
eternal with a short pause in the action as you pass (through the doorway of death)
from this life to the next one.
Death is not an IF it’s a WHEN. We are all going to die. You just may be getting a
chance to think about it sooner than you thought. Is it possible that this is a spiritual
wake-up call for you? Settle your eternity issues now so that you can enjoy the peace
that comes from this knowledge. Then, when you bear your cancer and live another
30, 40, or 50+ more years you can experience the joy of helping others.
By now you’re probably thinking 30 years? I’m not even thinking about next year.
I’m just worrying about tomorrow and trying to get rid of this cancer. That’s fine.
Consider what you’ve just read and let’s move on.
Unless physicians have taken it upon themselves to seek additional instruction in
nutrition after medical school, they typically have very little knowledge in this field.
The education system for American physicians offers little, if any, nutritional training.
The few colleges that do offer these courses have only begun doing so since 1996
when Dr. Andrew Weill (well known alternative medicine doctor) began instructing
on the subject at the University of Arizona.
The average MD., receives 6 – 8 hours of nutritional training over the course of their
entire education. This isn’t credit hours, which would equate to 2 or 3 semester long
courses. This is actual hours on a clock. In other words, if you doctor missed a
couple of classes on the days when nutrition was discussed, he missed it all. What’s
more, the nutrition information that is offered is typically a discussion on mineral
deficiencies and related topics. An example would be how to diagnose Anemia for
someone with low levels of Iron in their blood.
So, if doctors aren’t trained about how nutrition (from what we eat) affects our body,
what are they being taught? How do they learn to create the effects in our body that
help us when we’re sick? The answer…pharmaceuticals (prescription drugs). Whenyou go to a doctor, what does he give you at the end of your office visit? A
prescription. A chemical or combination of chemicals that will hopefully take care of
whatever symptoms you are experiencing and make you feel better. Has your doctor
ever written you a prescription for an apple or a pear, or maybe said: “Take two cups
of spinach and call me in the morning.” No, they can’t. They don’t have the training.
“But I like my doctor” you might be saying. Good. I liked mine too. Just realize that
he may not have all the knowledge you need him/her to have when considering your
options. Hopefully you have a doctor that is willing to work with you during your
journey to recovery. Hopefully he/she will be open to taking the extra time to answer
your questions. Hopefully they already have a nutritionist or dietician that they work
with and can direct you to. But, if your physician is too busy to answer questions, or
resents that you may ask for a second (or third, or fourth) opinion, or is offended and
feels that you are somehow questioning their professional abilities – then FIND
YOURSELF A NEW DOCTOR! This isn’t a popularity contest; it’s your life! What
you need at this point is team players willing to participate in your survival, not new
enemies you have to struggle against. Also, don’t be afraid to ask your doctor how
many patients with your type of cancer he has treated and how many were cured. If
he has a poor track record, it may be one more reason to change physicians.
Don’t be lazy! Don’t just trust your life to a doctor and do everything he says because
you think he’s nice. He isn’t the one with cancer, you are. He probably IS nice,
caring and compassionate. He’s probably been this way with the hundreds of other
cancer patients he has worked with and watched die over the years. However, you
have to realize that the kindest oncologist in the world still has a depressing job. He
works with people every day knowing that (based on statistics for the weapons at his
disposal) an overwhelming percentage of them are not going to survive.
Don’t just do everything your doctor tells you to do without learning why! Plan to be
asking the WHY question often. Take the time to learn about you disease. Cancer is
an enemy that wants to steal your life and everything you hold dear. Get knowledge.
Learn what your up against. Find out what your options are. Then go to work on the
plan that is right for you. Never settle for the first opinion or for only one opinion.
And most of all, never settle for the opinion of those who say you can’t beat cancer.
Lot’s of kind, well meaning, highly educated people may tell you about your “low
chances” based on statistics. Based on statistics, they may be correct. It doesn’t
matter, because you don’t want to be a statistic. You want to be a survivor. If you are
going to show up in the stats, it’s going to be the survival stats! Talk to others, call
cancer support groups, find someone or several some ones who have had the same
cancer you have and have beaten it. When I met people who had survived a different
form of cancer than the one I had, I was encouraged. However, when I finally talked
with people that had survived my exact cancer over 7 years prior – I WASECSTATIC! Finding those people changes everything. Suddenly you realize that if
they can do it, you can too.Section 2
The Bombshell
In the latter half of 1996, I began having sporadic headaches. I assumed that these
were migraines and that they were simply a sign of aging. I was now in my 30's, had
the usual stress at work, was attending college night classes and was married with
three kids. I just told myself - "welcome to your 30's kid”.
By February of 1997, the headaches had become frequent, but I found that with
500mg Tylenol capsules I could manage the pain pretty effectively. It wasn't until
having a conversation with a co-worker, and telling him about an "odd sound" that I
was hearing during the headaches, that I became concerned. The co-worker told me
about a friend who had something similar that turned out to be high blood pressure.
So, I decided to get it checked.
I made a trip to the office of my primary care physician and met with a young, fairly
inexperienced doctor. Within the first 5 minutes his interest level waned and it was
obvious that he thought that I was a little off my game. I think the description of "the
sound in my ears" convinced him of this.
After mentioning that I often noticed the headaches close to lunchtime and that meals
seemed to help, this doctor decided to send me to a lab for glucose testing. I received
the same test given to pregnant women to test for blood-sugar problems. The results
came back normal - no sugar problem.
When I went back to the doctor's office, I requested a different physician. Considering
the short attention span of the first gentleman, I was hoping to do better on the 2nd
attempt. It worked! A different doctor appeared and once again I recited the details of
my problem.
This doctor was young and inexperienced, just like the first one. However, to his
credit, he actually did try harder. He listened intently; he asked questions, his interest
level stayed intact - and he actually seemed concerned. Consequently, after about 20
minutes, he decided to write me a prescription for allergy medication. That would
have been great were it not for the fact that I had lived in the same city for almost 20
years, and knew that I did not suffer from allergies.
At this point, I stopped looking for medical help. I decided to accept my plight as a
migraine sufferer and to just "Deal with it". Over the next several months myheadaches managed to ruin Mother's Day, 4th of July weekend (out of town with
friends), my wife's birthday and other events. These are just the episodes that come to
mind because of the important dates associated with them.
Finally, by October of that year, I managed to get a headache that was beyond
migraine. What's more, for the first time - the headache managed to last for more than
24 hours. This headache had started on a Sunday, and by Monday I was back in the
doctor's office. This time I met with doctor number three. This gentleman decided to
give me what he called the "end-all" migraine pill. "If you take one of these it should
do the trick. If you take two, don't drive." I took two, and nothing happened. Not to
my headache and not to my driving. On Tuesday morning I still had the headache,
and needless to say, was back in the doctor's office again. This time, however, my
wife informed me (as if I had a choice) that she was going with me. Then, when we
met with the doctor, she was very persistent in requesting an MRI scan of my brain.
Realizing that this was the first time the headache had lasted for more than a single
day, I was also anxious to get an MRI done in hopes of getting some kind of answer
that would lead to relief. By Friday (3 days later and day number 6 with the same
headache) the approval from the insurance company had not yet come through, the
voice mail for the lady handling the approval was full, the headache was still there and
if all that wasn't enough - I had now developed double vision.
The double vision was sporadic, lasting into the evening on Friday and through the
day on Saturday. As usual, I found that if I took enough 500 mg Tylenol capsules, the
pain would subside, but it didn't help at all with the double vision.
On Sunday morning, my wife awoke about 6am to find me already missing from the
bed. As she got up to look for me, she quickly found that I had not gone far. I had
awakened to the continued headache pain and had taken my usual dose of Tylenol
(now up to 5 capsules instead of the recommended 2) before lying down on the floor
with a rolled towel beneath my neck. I had learned that by doing this I could apply
pressure to the arteries in my neck and thereby slow the blood flow and reduce the
Although my wife was a little alarmed to find her husband stretched out on the floor,
she was relieved to learn that I was only trying to lessen the pain as opposed to having
passed out. This being said, her first words to me were (as she stood above me staring
downward): "Are you going to church?" When I replied with a simple: "No." She said
firmly; 'Then Get Up! You're going to the emergency room.' "
By this point my wife had grown weary of watching her husband suffer and was
troubled by the small voice that haunted her. The voice that told her that her husband
needed the MRI that had been requested, but not yet approved.Upon arrival at the hospital emergency room we "got right in". It turns out that the
Emergency Room is a deserted place around 6:30 am on Sunday mornings. The small
staff was friendly, but par for the course, there were a couple more insults to be added
to my injury. The first was from the nurse who checked me in and took my vital signs.
While taking my blood pressure, she proceeded to lecture me about that day's frontpage newspaper article explaining how prolonged ingestion of Tylenol would damage
the human liver. In my mind I'm thinking: "Hello! It's 6:30 in the morning and the
paper just came out today, how was I supposed to know?" The second insult came
from the physician on duty. He was a somber faced man in his late fifties who seldom
changed facial expression, even while talking.
"I understand you have double vision." He said flatly. "How many of me do you see?"
"Two." I replied. "Now how many of me do you see?" He asked again after placing
his hand over one of my eyes. "One." I answered. "Congratulations!” He exclaimed
with the first smile and change of expression so far. "Most people flunk that test and
its impossible to see two of anything with one eye covered. How about we send you
downstairs for a picture of your head?" So, 10 minutes later I was downstairs lying in
an MRI tube for 45 minutes while my brain was being scanned.
After completing the MRI and going back upstairs to the Emergency Room, we
waited. Finally, the doctor reappeared and talked down at me as I sat on the gurney
and he towered above. As he spoke to my wife and I (again without any facial
expression) he said: ''You have, ...(long pause)...a huge brain tumor."
Because his expression didn't change I wasn't sure if he was serious. My hope was that
he would tell me he was joking and that the MRI results were just fine. "I can't tell if
you're serious." I said as I stared up at him. "Come with me." He said quietly and we
walked toward the light board that's normally used to examine x-rays. As he put an
MRI film on the board he turned toward me and said flatly; "That's you."
Now my wife and I weren't experienced with looking at x-rays, CAT scans or MRI's,
but in this case we didn't need to be. It was very easy for us to understand what we
were looking at. Here was a top view of my skull outlined in white and filled with
dark area that was obviously brain tissue. The problem was that the brain we were
looking at had a bright circle occupying about 25% of it. This bright circle was a
Finally, the doctor's face lit up again and he said: ''The good news is that it's so BIG, -
the fact that you are even walking and talking is amazing. And! That also means its
not cancer'"
As my wife and I stood there trying to take in all of this information, a doctor who had
done a surgery on my hand 3 years prior happened to be walking by and saw my
scans. "Is that your scan, Richard?" "Yes." I replied. "Well I'm not a Neuro, but fromwhat I remember in med school – that’s definitely not cancer." Well, I was glad
everyone was saying it wasn't cancer, but who ever thought it might be? I certainly
didn't have a reason to think that. I had never known anyone with cancer nor did I
have anyone close to me who knew anyone with cancer.
"So, what do we do now?" I asked the ER doctor. “Well, you go over to Sunrise
Hospital, meet with the Neurosurgeon there and have it removed."
After a quick stop at home to see the kids, we arrived at Sunrise Hospital and met with
the neurosurgeon on duty. He reviewed the MRI films and told us matter-of-factly that
there was a 95% chance that the tumor was not a cancer and that he could certainly do
the surgery. Unfortunately, he looked like he had been awake for 3 days straight and
had the bedside manner to match.
So, based on first impressions, we decided to seek out the advice of another
neurosurgeon who had performed surgery on a friend of our family.
Despite being a highly skilled surgeon, this doctor is more famous in Las Vegas for his
eccentric behavior than for his professional abilities. For example, portions of his home
have been converted to everything from an Elvis Presley garage (opening in to the
living room) to an Egyptian Tomb, while his back yard hosts a training capsule from
the Mercury Space Program and one of Evil Kenevil’s used motorcycles. So, needless
to say, friends and family were surprised that we requested this man's advice and were
even more surprised when we chose him to do the surgery. Like the other physicians,
he assured my wife and I that this was not a cancerous tumor and that he had done
many of these procedures. He even had me talk on the phone with a lady he had done
the same surgery for 3 weeks ear1ier and who was already preparing to go back to
work. So, a day of testing was arranged followed next by the surgery.
After a six-hour surgery I was sent to a room in Intensive Care. Throughout the day,
many family members came to see me and everyone was kind to me despite my
helmet-sized head bandage and a couple of drainage tubes coming out of my head.
What I couldn't figure out was why everyone who came to my room was so weepy.
Even my two macho brother-in-laws had red eyes that gave away the fact that they had
been crying in the hallway before coming into the room. I thought to myself, "what a
weepy bunch". All I could figure out was that I must look even worse than I could
It wasn't until early evening that someone made a comment that caught my attention.
To this day I don't remember the words, but I do remember that it didn't make sense to
me. When I asked what they were talking about the person said "Don't you remember
when you had the oxygen mask on?…In the recovery room?...After surgery?"
I had no idea what they were talking about.16
Apparently, when I was only beginning to come out of the anesthesia, I looked at my
wife and flashed her the "thumbs-up" sign followed by the ''thumbs-down" sign to ask
if the surgery was a success. What I didn't remember was that my wife had given me a
"thumbs-down" in response. So, hours later, I was now the only one not grasping the
seriousness of my own situation.
Things changed quickly at that point. In between periods of intense sadness and crying,
my wife and I spent the next two days and nights wrestling with the countless issues
we had to address in the short time I had left. Issues like planning the graduation
videos and wedding videos for our kids as well as a "sweet sixteen" video for my
daughter since; obviously, I wasn't going to be present for any of these events.
During this same period, both the surgeon and the oncologist on staff at the hospital
came by separately to talk with us. Each doctor reaffirmed that the diagnosis was
terminal and that even with treatment there was no known cure. Both agreed that even
though typical life expectancy with a tumor of this type was 12 months, the size of my
tumor (before surgery) would dictate a survival period closer to 6 months. I was then
told that of the 6 months, the last 2 would be spent in hospice "wearing a diaper". The
surgeon even went so far as to say that since there was no cure and I would only have a
"few months" of feeling well, so I "really shouldn't waste time traveling around the
country looking for a cure that doesn't exist." Instead, he said, "Just stay home and
spend time with your kids". At that time our children’s ages were 4, 2 and 1.
After this point, many things happened in short succession. Things that really cannot
be explained outside of a discussion about faith and prayer. Since this is not the forum
for that discussion, let me say only that through much prayer by many people (both
friends and family) things began to happen that are too numerous and poignant to be
credited to chance or coincidence.
One of those phenomena was our being led to people who had been cured of terminal
cancers through nutrition. I actually ended up in the counsel of a nutritionist / herbalist
who had been cured of terminal cancer herself. This lady had suffered through
metastatic breast cancer (as a pre-med student - ironically) that had spread through
most of her major organs. She too was given 6 months to live and told by her
physicians: "We cannot radiate your whole body nor can we give you enough
chemotherapy to make a difference. So, go home and put your affairs in order." This
was over 30 years prior to our meeting. Not accepting the advice of these doctors, she
sought help from a well-respected master herbalist and nutritionist by the name of Dr.
John Christopher. Dr Christopher agreed to treat her and told her that he could indeed
save her life if she would follow his instructions. Not only did he save her life and cure17
her cancer, he also impacted her in such a way that she no longer saw the value of
pursuing a conventional medical degree. She learned that natural remedies and
nutritional approaches made more sense than assaulting a patient’s body with surgery,
chemical poisons and radiation. She knew that patients treated using traditional means
would normally suffer needlessly, lose their hair, their energy, their dignity and
ultimately their lives. Yet, as she watched Dr. Christopher treat people naturally, she
saw that the treatments were not harmful to the patient and that a higher percentage
managed to survive. This convinced her that learning his disciplines would enable her
to effectively help more people. Thus, rather than return to medical school after her
recovery, she decided to attend Dr. Christopher's: The School of Natural Healing. A
few years later she graduated as an herbalist, nutritionist and iridologist.
So, here I was being introduced to a world I knew nothing about. Within days I found
myself on a completely new diet of:
- Fresh juice (consisting of carrots, celery, squash and apple) twice daily
- 108 Herb Pills daily
- No sugar, wheat or dairy
- Reduced meat consumption (organic only) with a long-term goal of no meat
- Plenty of fresh, raw, organic vegetables
- Countless glasses of distilled water
- Colloidal Silver Water 3X daily
- Essiac Tea 2X daily
- 3 different berry tinctures 3X daily
- 2 anti-virus detoxosodes 2X daily
- An anti-parasite tincture 1X daily
For those of you who have never experienced the "Joys of Juicing”, my lovely wife
was driving half way across town, every two days, to buy organic produce for our
juicing. The reason for every two days was because the $600 juicing machine we
purchased created fresh juice that could only be stored for up to 48 hours before
becoming nutritionally dead. If this was not enough, the juicer had to be cleaned after
each use - a process that takes longer than juicing - and my wife had to provide an
entirely different menu for me than for the rest of family.
I started this new diet regimen on my 2nd day out of the hospital and from that day on I
ignored the repeated objections of one oncologist who told me that juicing would cause
me to die twenty years too soon from excessive vitamin A consumption like people in
Nordic countries whose diet contains too much Vitamin A from fish. When I reached
my one-year survival anniversary, this oncologist was amazed and stopped reciting his
I continued on this new diet and nutrition plan consistently for two years. Then, in the18
third year, I was able to continue with the diet changes but eliminate half of the herb
pills, one of the juices and all of the tinctures, teas and other liquids. Close to the end
of my third year, I was introduced to a lady representing a product called Juice Plus+
that was supposed to be similar to the fresh fruit and vegetable juices I was consuming.
However, her produce was in a capsule.
Naturally, I was intrigued by the possibility of eliminating the juicer, that my wife
affectionately referred to as the “ball and chain,” from our lives. However, considering
what we had learned about fresh juice dying within 48 hours, I was convinced that the
company's claims about nutrition and these capsules were veritably impossible. After
much research into the product and the medical studies supporting it, I finally gained
the confidence to try the Juice Plus+ product in place of my juicing and herb pills.
Needless to say, I was very nervous when my next MRI appointment rolled around 4
months later. I knew that the juicing and herb pills I had been consuming were working
and the idea of replacing a proven strategy with Juice Plus+ seemed too simple and
was scary at best. The results of that MRI and many more since then have all been the
same. - 100% clear with no evidence of cancer.
I started taking Juice Plus+ in January of 2000. As of 2005, my MRI scans continue to
be clear. I do not supplement with any other products.19
Section 3
What Is Cancer
“A malignant tumor of potentially unlimited growth that expands
locally by invasion and systemically by metastasis”
-- Webster’s Dictionary
In other words - cells in some part of the body become abnormal, reproduce
uncontrollably and spread to other parts of the body. When the cancer spreads into an
organ, let’s say the lung, it will begin replacing lung cells with cancer cells. If a lung
no longer has enough lung cells to do its job, the organ stops functioning correctly and
death ensues.
Despite the fact that there are over 200 types of cancer, all cancers share
the same two characteristics. They grow (reproduce cancer cells) and they
Cancer is basically "uncontrolled cell growth". When this growth of millions of cells
(invisible to the unaided eye) becomes large enough to be seen, we call it a Cancerous
If the body were to be treated for cancer by simply removing the tumor and discarding
it, without any other additional treatments, the tumor would almost always grow back.
Why? Remember the adage: "Keep doing what you've always done and you'll
continue getting what you've always gotten?" With Cancer, if you try to just "throw it
away", you can't -- because you're treating the symptom, not the problem. If you have
Cancer, something in your body is chemically out of balance. You must change the
environment in which the cancer is living. You must restore the proper metabolism
(chemical balance) to your body!
*NOTE: Your body attempts to develop Cancer every day through what are called
Free Radicals (abnormal, unstable molecules) within your system. Your immune
system is also working every day to prevent Cancer by neutralizing these free radicals
with Antioxidants. If your immune system becomes too weak to stop Cancer from
developing, Cancer begins. If you learn nothing else, learn this:20
Stage One
The causes and contributors listed in table 2.1 produce free radicals that will “Hit” on
the 60 trillion cells in your body as many as 10,000 times per day. 1
 These hits (called
oxidative stress) can lead to damage of the DNA within the cell. At this point the liver
will react with an enzyme known as a Phase One enzyme. This reaction forces the
precursor to develop into a full-blown carcinogen. In addition to the Phase One
enzymes that were created, the liver will also create Phase Two enzymes to neutralize
and remove the carcinogen.
Stage Two
If the liver fails its mission to neutralize all of the carcinogens, a damaged cell may
alter its ability to reproduce itself normally and begin excessive cell division. This is
the point at which a healthy immune system steps in to recognize and destroy these
unfamiliar cells. It the immune system succeeds, cancer is avoided. If it too fails its
mission, then these cells can congregate and form a tumor.
Stage Three
Now that a tumor has begun to form, it begins to create its own blood supply to ensure
nourishment and survival. A process known as angiogenesis. With its supply line
assured, the tumor can now grow and invade surrounding tissue.
 The causes and contributors to Cancer are known as precursors or procarcinogens.
Precursors are numerous and include such things as:21
Table 2.1
Antibiotics in Livestock (9 million pounds annually in the USA)
Cancer Causing (Oncogenic) Viruses
Chemicals (Over 20,000 are known carcinogens)
Chlorinated Water
Chronic Physical or Emotional Stress
Cigarette Smoke
Decreased Oxygen Supply to Cells
Exposure to Chemicals/Toxins
Fluoridated Water
Food Additives
Heavy Metal Accumulation
Impaired Digestion
Medications with Immune Suppressing Side Effects
Mercury (Amalgam) Dental Fillings
Oncogenic (cancer causing) Viruses
Pesticides (1.2 billion lbs. in America annually)
Radiation Exposure
Tobacco Products
Toxic Air Pollution
Toxic Water Pollution
However, the biggest cause of cancer in America today is the
Standard American Diet (SAD) with it’s High Fat / High
Protein / High Dairy – content.22
Section 4
Weakened Immune System
Scientists estimate that up to 90% of cancers are environmentally caused and
preventable. Of this, as much as 60% can be contributed to DIET! These causes result
in a poor metabolism (chemical imbalance) and a weakened immune system. To beat
Cancer, the body's balance and immune system must both be restored and
There are entire websites devoted to explaining how bad dairy products are for the
human body. (E.g. The average person knows that the body needs
adequate calcium intake to support healthy teeth and bones and to avoid osteoporosis
later in life. They have also been taught to believe that milk is a good source for
calcium. This later thought is simply not true and is very much a product of years of
advertising and political influence by the dairy industry.
Although the body does need calcium for healthy bones etc., one of its main functions
is to neutralize acids in the body. Here’s the irony – except for butter, all dairy
products are acidic (acid forming). This means people are drinking milk in an effort to
get calcium their body. At the same time, the milk their drinking (or dairy products
they’re eating) is actually acidic and thus needs to be neutralized with calcium. So,
they are now caught in a cycle of trying to neutralize the foods their consuming with
the foods their consuming that need to be neutralized. The end result is to drain
existing calcium from the body instead of increasing it.
What’s more, even though fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts can supply our needed
calcium, Americans are the largest consumer of milk in the industrialized world and
have the highest rate of Osteoporosis (per capita) in the industrialized world.
Well, at Least Cow's Milk Is Pure…or is it? Fifty years ago an average cow
produced 2,000 pounds of milk per year. Today the top producers give 50,000
pounds! What Happened? Hormones, Steroids, Antibiotics & Forced Feeding
-- Robert M. Kradjian, MD
Breast Surgery Chief
Seton Medical Center23
Live sugar cane in the field is brown, not white. During processing, sugar is bleached
to give it its white color and otherwise refined to a point where live nutrients are
destroyed. This lack of vitamins and minerals forces the digestive system to rob the
body of stored nutrients in order to digest and metabolize the sugar. Over time, a diet
high in refined sugars will continue to drain the body’s reserves until an imbalance
White flour also loses it nutritional value during processing. Like sugar, it too is
bleached in an agent similar to Clorox. Then, carcinogenic vitamins derived from coal
and tar are added to the flour so it can be termed “Enriched”. Because it is void of
nutrition, white flour also depletes the nutrients from your body as you struggle to
digest it.
High-quality whole-grain flours smell sweet and fresh and deliver plenty of flavor
when they are eaten. Unlike white flour, however, which rarely becomes infested because it cannot support life, whole-grain flour can become infested with insects.
If no self-respecting insect or bacteria will eat white flour – WHY SHOULD YOU!
The body needs sodium, but it must be in an organic form for the body to use it. Table
salt (Sodium Chloride) is an inorganic sodium compound formed by combining
sodium and chlorine. Chlorine is extremely toxic to the body and causes the body to
retain fluid in an effort keep it in suspension and out of the cells.
Use mineral rich Sea Salt that has been processed naturally!
The average American eats over 50 lbs of fat (cholesterol) per year. The result:
clogged arteries. This leads to heart attack, heart disease (the #1 killer in America) and
stroke (the #3 killer). Several studies have linked fat intake (eating meat) with
increased rates of several cancers including breast cancer, prostate cancer and colon
cancer. These last three are part of the four cancers responsible for over 70% of the
cancers in America.24
The organ most crucial to metabolism and the immune system is the liver. The liver
supplies nutrients to the immune system while also aiding in digestion and acting as a
filter for the bloodstream and digestive tract. The Standard American Diet – SAD –
with all of its high fat, high protein, low fiber, deep-fried, over cooked, processed,
preserved and nutritionally DEAD foods –partially clogs the colon (more on that later)
and weakens the liver. To strengthen the liver (and the body) we need to give it LIVE
nutrition from LIVE foods.
The colon is another integral part of digestion, and thus absorption and assimilation of
nutrition. If the colon is working poorly, it will trap previously digested food and
continue to digest it. Think of what happens to meat after a day or two in a hot garbage
can of about 100 degrees. It rots, ferments and putrefies – right? So why would it be
any different in your body at 98.6 degrees? It wouldn’t. Foods that the body can’t
digest will sit in your colon and do the same thing – putrefy and ferment. At the same
time the colon, whose job is to work 24/7, keeps trying to digest this toxic accumulation
of waste matter thereby reabsorbing more toxins into the lymph system and bloodstream
where it is carried off and distributed throughout the body. The now toxic blood then
circulates back to the liver to be filtered and weakens the liver. The process continues,
the liver weakens and the toxic load to the body increases.
To make all of this worse, most Americans don’t eat enough fiber in their diets. Fiber is
the broom that “sweeps” out the colon and helps it eliminate toxins from the body. If we
don’t give the body the necessary fiber, more toxins remain in the colon and the
accumulation continues. Over time, this accumulation results in a lining of rubbery
build-up that will coat the inside walls of the colon. This coating lessens the amount of
nutrients that can penetrate through to the colon wall for absorption. This further
impairs the colon’s ability to properly digest food and take in nutrition.
With the combined maladies of a weak, overloaded liver and a congested, underperforming colon - metabolism and immune function become impaired. The resulting
weakened immune system can now lead to cancer or some other degenerative disease.
Colon Stowaways
A few “stowaways” that thrive in a colon that is clogged, putrefying and fermenting25
are germs, bacteria, parasites and mucus. If it takes longer than 24 hours to eliminate a
meal from the colon, a toxic breeding ground ensues. These parasites will actually
feed on the putrid decay taking place within the colon walls, especially if excess sugar
is present.
The thyroid is a gland in charge of energy metabolism within the cells. Studies have
been done demonstrating that a poorly functioning thyroid elevates cancer risk. How
to check for this condition is explained in Section 6, Reverse The Cancer.26
Section 5
Complicating Issues
The goal of the cancer patient is to begin a salt free diet. A problem common to many
chronic diseases is a loss of potassium within tissue cells that is replaced by sodium.
This is caused by a diet high in sodium. Excessive sodium causes the cell to swell with
water in an attempt to dilute the sodium. The cell (now bloated) begins losing its ability
to burn sugar through oxidation. Without this ability, the cell dies. If enough cells die,
the tissue dies. If enough tissue dies, the organ dies. If the organ is crucial to survival,
the body dies. 2
A second problem resulting from potassium lost to elevated sodium levels is
interference with (damage to) the liver’s ability to form enzymes. Although the body
normally excretes excess sodium as waste, the ability to do so can become impaired
after years of high sodium intake. Potassium serves as an activating substance
(catalyst) to help create enzymes, while sodium prevents this production. Reduced
enzyme production, leads to poor digestion, which leads to weakened cells and a
weakened immune system.
Normal cells are aerobic in nature, meaning that they receive oxygen from the
bloodstream in order to survive. Without this oxygen, a healthy cell dies. In 1931,
Otto Warburg, PhD won the Nobel Peace Prize in Medicine for his discovery that
cancer cells are Anaerobic and do not require oxygen. Instead, they are fueled by
sugar (glucose). Using glucose for energy, cancer cells are much less efficient in their
metabolism and generate increased amounts of lactic acid. This build-up results in
fatigue for the patient and additional workload for the liver as it struggles to neutralize
the lactic acid.
Cancer generates appetite-suppressing chemicals. Those individuals undergoing
chemotherapy usually experience suppressed appetite from the nausea associated with
the drug chemicals. This, at a time when the need for calories increases so that healing
can take place. 40% of cancer patients die of malnutrition. When your #1 goal is to
rebuild your body and reverse cancer through nutrition, you can’t do so if you are
malnourished and not eating. For information on “cancer safe” recipes, see the
resources section at the end of this booklet.27
Table 2.2
Needs only sugar to survive and multiply
#1 killer in USA by 2006: 1 in 3 people
40 years ago, 1 in 8 Americans developed cancer during their lifetime
Very adaptive and mutates to survive
Survives with very little or NO oxygen
Adapts to (survives) toxins such as chemotherapy
May survive in intense radiation surroundings
Obtains protein needs from healthy cells (catabolism)
Immortal: unlimited reproductive cycles
Maybe triggered by various other viruses, such as: EBV, CMV, HHV-6,
HTLV-l, etc.
The facts above are why the traditional treatments of chemotherapy and radiation have
had such poor results in the war on Cancer.
1. Traditional approaches such as chemotherapy suppress the immune system
when it needs to be strengthened!
2. Cancer cells are more adaptive after chemotherapy than healthy cells – meaning
cancer cells can recover and begin multiplying before healthy cells.
3. Cancer can often survive in intense radiation surroundings – making it hard for
radiation therapy to kill ALL of the cancer.
4. Chemotherapy and radiation may weaken cancer cells, but they do not restore
metabolism and immune system function. Thus, the body is not able to attack the
5. The current methodology among oncologists is to give the maximum amount of
chemo possible to bring the patient to the edge of death, hope that the cancer cells
die, and then try to save the patient.
6. More must be done.28
Section 6
Tradition vs. Nutrition
Even though the bodies of all humans are essentially the same in make-up and
composition, the science of treating the body and restoring health takes two radically
different and opposing approaches. These approaches are called allopathic and
Traditional medicine in the western world is disease-oriented (allopathic). Wait for
disease symptoms to appear, and then prescribe a drug to alleviate the symptoms.
When you begin to think about the medications you have been prescribed or that you
know about, you realize that with the exception of drugs such as antibiotics (which do
good by killing bad bacteria) over 90% of drugs simply alleviate a symptom. If a
person stops taking their blood pressure medication, what happens? Are they cured?
No, their blood pressure will again increase. If someone ceases their heart medicine,
cholesterol drug or the pill that helps with his or her migraines, what happens? Their
symptoms return. The problem is that thought is never given to addressing the
underlying cause of the problem, but only to negating the symptoms. Think of how
many people you know who are on medications they will be taking for the rest of their
Economist Paul Zane Pilzer has been on the cabinets of two former presidents and
explains the situation this way (paraphrasing):
It’s not that the people who run pharmaceutical companies are bad
people. Think of it from a business perspective. The executives who
are in charge of these corporations are entrusted with the mission of
“maximizing share holder profits”. So, how do you do this? Do you
create a drug that costs $100 one time and cures a disease? Or, do you
develop a drug that treats only the symptoms of the disease and costs a
dollar a day for the rest of a person’s life?
The answer is obvious. If the person lives 101 days or more, you make more money
treating only the symptom(s).
Chemotherapy and radiation therapy for the treatment of cancer are examples of
allopathic, treat-the-symptom medicine. These treatments try to eliminate the
symptom, a tumor, but do nothing to address the cause of the problem. Why does the29
patient have cells that are dividing and multiplying too quickly? Why is the immune
system no longer able to keep up with the demand to destroy cancerous cells as it once
did? Why has metabolism become sluggish?
Because this tactic misses the root of the problem, these treatments are miserable
failures in the healing of cancer.
“…Chemotherapy alone can help only about 3% of the patients with
epithelial cancer (such as breast, lung, colon and prostate), which kills
80% of total cancer patients.”3
-- Patrick Quillin, Ph.D.
Former Director of Nutrition for
 Cancer Treatment Centers of America
What’s more, chemotherapy suppresses and damages the immune system sometimes to
a point of no return. This now leaves the patient wide open to infection or other
Remember Jackie Kennedy's rapid demise (5 months after diagnosis) while receiving
chemotherapy for Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma? Despite the fact that money was no
object for Jackie, her death was very quick and not in line with the normal survival
time for people undergoing treatment for this cancer type. How about puppeteer Shari
Lewis? The creator of Lamb Chop? Shari never had a chance to from her cancer. She
died of Pneumonia during the treatment for her ovarian cancer.
“In fairness, they’re a few cancers that respond favorably to chemotherapy.
These would be “Acute lymphocytic leukemia, Hodgkin's disease, and
nonseminomatous testicular cancer. Also, a few very rare forms of cancer,
including choriocarcinoma, Wilm's tumor, and retinoblastoma. But all of
these account for only 2% to 4% of all cancers occurring in the United
This translates to a 96% failure rate! What’s more, when a doctor says that a
patient has “no detectable cancer” this doesn’t mean the cancer is cured or that
there is no cancer. A million cancer cells are undetectable with a microscope. A
billion cancer cells are almost undetectable as a tiny lump. Is it any wonder that
cancers come back after a period of remission? As Patrick Quillin says:
“Imagine leaving behind only one billion dandelion seeds on your lawn after you
thought you got them all.” 5
Perhaps a more startling (and deadly) complication of chemotherapy as a treatment is
the estimated number of deaths from malnutrition. According to Dr. John Grant from
Duke University, this number is 40% or higher. Why? Nausea and loss of appetite are
common side effects of chemotherapy.30
Patient-centered approaches to treatment (also known by phrases such as homeopathic,
holistic, all-natural, alternative, orthomolecular and others) approach disease by not
only going after the source of the problem, but by seeking to bolster all areas of the
patient’s health.
You may have heard the analogy: “You can stand on the river bank and pull drowning
people out of the water all day, or you can go upstream and remove the person who is
pushing them in.”
This patient-first philosophy of healing seeks to:
1. Align the different biochemistries of the body.
- Examples: Sugars, salts, urine ph, blood ph.
2. Strengthen and restore function to weak organs
- Examples: Colon, Gall Bladder, Liver,
3. Bolster the immune system
- Examples: Detoxification and Nutrition
Usefulness of Surgery and Radiation
Surgery can be used to remove all or part of tumors in cases where the tumor is well
encapsulated or the removal does not pose the risk of damage to surrounding tissue.
This removal (called debulking) allows the surgeon to rob the cancer of trillions of
cells and allows the immune system a better chance at “catching up” in the battle.
Some specialized radiation procedures can be used in a manner similar to surgery.
These treatments involve short exposure to highly selective, intense radiation bursts
that target the cancer while care is taken to avoid surrounding tissue. This type of
program generally spares the patient the side effects of a typical “weeks” long course
of generalized radiation. However, due to the small area within which the radiation
can be effectively targeted, tumor size must usually be no larger than a snow-pea.
“Gamma-knife” is an example of this type of treatment.31
Section 7
Reverse The Cancer
The person with cancer needs to get back to a point of healthy immune function. To
do so requires detoxifying (cleaning out) the body and restoring function to those
critical organs fueling the immune system. (E.g. Colon, liver, and thyroid) The goals
1. Detoxify - Remove the toxins making the body sick along with blockages to
nutrition absorption
2. Re-supply - Maximize nutrition intake to furnish the building blocks for
3. Re-build - Rebuild under-performing organs and immune system for attack
 on cancer cells
As you work to strengthen your immune system and improve the chemical balance
within your body, new (healthy) cells will begin to form and old (unhealthy) cells will
begin to release toxins. These toxins are a result of the new nutrients flooding your
body and entering into your individual cells.
For a short time, (usually no more than 2 to 3 days) many people start to feel worse
before they start to feel better. Because toxins are being removed from the cells, they
will circulate in the bloodstream for a while, waiting to be removed by the bodies
cleansing organs such as the liver, kidneys, spleen, etc. While they are in the blood,
they can cause flu-like symptoms such as headaches, nausea and fever. Other possible
side effects are: pimples, diarrhea, constipation, nervousness, irritability and frequent
urination. Even a sudden experience with large amounts of mucus discharge can
result. This may seem like another cold symptom, but is actually a result of the body
cleansing toxins from the mucus membranes in your sinuses. Even though all of this
may seem like a bad idea at first, don't be discouraged! It simply means that the
program is working and that you are beginning to make the changes your body needs.
Remember, a temporary period of headaches or nausea is much better than a long-term
life-threatening illness.32
There are some things you can do to alleviate these uncomfortable symptoms. First,
drink large quantities of fresh water. This will help to literally "wash away" these
toxins. Consumption of large amounts of purified water means: at least 6 to 10 ea. 12
ounce glasses of purified water daily. A healthy person should consume 1/2 of their
body weight in ounces every day. If you are fighting cancer you must drink more than
this in order to allow your body to cleanse itself of toxins, medications, dying cancer
cells and the residues of treatments such as radiation and chemotherapy.
Second, consider drinking more carrot juice along with that extra water. Carrot juice
will not only help to eliminate the toxins, but will also help to provide more nutrients to
the cells. Third is plenty of rest. Fourth will be coffee enemas. A minimum of 1 to 2
but preferably 3 to 4 daily (8 oz. each) to remove dying cancer cells and keep the body
from diverting immune system energy to dealing with toxins. If a person has
experienced chemotherapy or is extremely weak, the 32 oz. can be diluted to 16 oz of
coffee and 16 oz. of chamomile tea. Then gradually increase the percentage of coffee as
needed. This helps to avoid toxic effects of chemotherapy residue elimination from the
body (e.g. rashes, boils, etc.). For information on coffee enema administration, (See
Appendix A, Coffee Enemas)
As mentioned earlier, this is the organ most crucial to metabolism and immune
function. This is the organ that we want to detoxify and cleanse FIRST so that we can
move toward peak operation and maximum immune function as quickly as possible.
The liver must be detoxified and strengthened in order to rebuild the immune system.
One of the best-known, natural methods for detoxifying the liver is through the use of
coffee enemas. Credit for instituting this practice (with tremendous success) among
cancer patients goes to the late Dr. Max Gerson. Dr. Gerson’s instructions on self
administering this procedure can be found in Appendix A.
Benefits from coffee enemas include causing the excretion of cancer breakdown
products (dead cancer cells) as well as cleansing the poisons from the bloodstream,
which nourishes all cells. For a more complete understanding of the benefits of coffee
enemas, read Appendix B.
Live food will strengthen the liver, but only if the body is cleansed and ready to absorb
the nutrition from a colon that is also in peak condition. This makes the colon a very
close second in importance for rebuilding the immune system.
“Where there is cancer, it’s a sure bet it was preceded
by a poorly functioning liver.”
- Harold Manner, P.H.D.
Biology Professor, Loyola University33
Creating a strong performing colon is the first step toward allowing the body to absorb
the intense nutrition that will be used to rebuild the immune system and the cells. In
order for the colon to function well, it must be free of blockages including the rubbery
“false lining” (mentioned earlier) that can coat the inner walls and block absorption. It
does little to put in a 100% of nutrition if you can only absorb 20%.
The coffee enema procedure listed for detoxifying the liver will simultaneously cleanse
the colon. Although not everyone is comfortable with the idea of receiving enemas,
once you have witnessed the garbage that your colon releases, you will be amazed and
glad that you made the effort. It’s value and importance for detoxification cannot be
overstated. It is vital to restoring organ function to the colon.
For those who are unable or unwilling to receive enemas, a fiber cleanse can also serve
to detoxify the colon and dislodge any blockages or linings. Fiber cleanse kits can be
purchased from your local health store. Look for kits containing fiber sources such as
those in Table 7.1. Psyllium would be a very good choice.
Table 7.1
Fiber Benefits
Alfalfa Contains amino acids, digestive
enzymes and trace minerals
Black Walnut Hulls Known for ability to kill and eliminate
parasites as well as regulate sugar
 Psyllium Best known fiber source for the
removal of decaying, putrified waste
from colon walls
Colon Stowaways
We want to stay away from: bananas, dairy products, pastries, rice and flour because
they form mucus. This mucus becomes fuel for bacteria and creates a friendly living
environment for parasites and cancerous cells. If 70% - 80% of our diet consists of raw
fruits and vegetables along with low amounts of fat and mucus foods (meat, dairy, white
flour and processed foods) our fiber intake will “sweep” our colons clean. This results
in a colon that is uninhabitable for parasites and no longer absorbing toxins from redigestion of decaying feces. All-natural supplements for cleansing the colon of parasites34
can be purchased at health food stores. Look for supplements containing the parasite
eliminators listed in Table 7.2.
Table 7.2
Parasite Eliminator Benefits
Black Walnut Hulls Known for ability to kill and eliminate
parasites as well as regulate sugar
 Pumpkin Seed Helps with parasite removal
 Violet Leaves Cleansing herb, known for parasite
removal and toxin cleansing
Once the colon is released to do its job, it becomes the supply line for the rest of the
body. If the other organs and systems are detoxified and ready for action, the body’s
army (the immune system) can wage war against the cancer.
If you determine that you have low thyroid, work with your physician to resolve the
issue. He may want to test your thyroid function via a blood test, but these are not
always accurate. A simple test you can do is to take your temperature when you wakeup in the morning and before you even leave the bed. If you have a temperature of 97.8
F or below, you may have low thyroid output. There are many thyroid supplements on
the market that are available without a prescription and that are inexpensive.
Aiming for Salt Free
The body needs a minimum amount of sodium to function normally. A person
consuming a normal vegetarian diet receives adequate sodium intake from plants. It is
through cooking, canning, preserving and processing that potassium is depleted and
sodium in the form of salt (sodium chloride) is added to foods. Eliminate all salt from
the diet.
Again -- the goal of the cancer patient is to begin a salt free diet, thereby restoring the
sodium/potassium balance and improving health.
“Give the sick cell potassium, and it gets well. Then restrict animal
protein, and it becomes even healthier.”
-- Dr. Morton Walker, The Gerson Therapy35
What are Live Foods? Simply put, live foods are foods that come with their own
enzymes to help in digestion. By helping with digestion, these foods help to “reduce
the workload” of the body’s own digestive enzymes. Plant and animal foods both have
enzymes. That is, until we bake, boil, radiate, refine, process, pasteurize and
homogenize the life right out of them.
Heat, for example, kills enzymes. Enzymes begin to die at 107 degrees Fahrenheit
and by 122 degrees Fahrenheit the process is complete.
Pasteurization kills more than 90 percent of the enzymes found in milk.
Sugar, wheat and other refined foods (about two thirds of the items found in a
grocery store) have been processed and thus become dead and void of enzymes.
Enzymes are crucial
They are the spark plugs for your body’s engine. Without them, your body goes
nowhere. Enzymes are responsible for the biochemical reactions (including digestion)
taking place in your body. They are literally foundational to your health.
Enzymes are divided into two types. Those found in raw “live” food and those
manufactured inside the body. Ingesting more enzymes through food reduces the
body’s need to supply these enzymes by robbing them from other internal processes.
Helping the body to conserve this energy instead of expending it on digestion
affords the body more energy for attacking the protein coating found on cancer
cells. This, in turns helps the immune system to identify these errant cells and
destroy them.
Lack of enzymes can cause disease. Adding enzymes to the body helps to prevent
disease. For someone trying to combat a chronic disease, using a good digestive
enzyme supplement to help “free up” the enzymes used in metabolism makes perfect
sense as part of the overall healing strategy. Enzymes can be purchased at Vitamin
stores in a good tasting, chewable format. Follow the directions on the bottle.
“Our enzyme levels must be maintained at any expense to help maintain
vitality, endurance, and to prevent disease.”
-- Humbart Santillo, MH, N.D
Food Enzymes, This Missing Link To Radiant Health36
Friendly bacteria and enzymes are crucial to life. They are essential to proper
digestion. Regiments such as chemotherapy and antibiotics can "kill-off" these
necessary "good guys" at the same time that they are trying to kill "bad guys" such as
bad bacteria, cancer cells, etc. They must be restored in order for the body to digest
and absorb nutrients properly.
The Backbone Of The Body
Composing 15 percent of our body, protein is second only to water (70%) in terms of
our body’s composition. However, plant protein is infinitely better for the body than
animal protein. When animal protein is cooked, its molecular structure is changed and
the “protein is destroyed at 150 degrees”.6
Americans receive an average of 100 or more grams of protein daily. This is three to
four times the current U.S. government recommended 25 to 35 grams per day. “Even
the most meager vegetables will provide enough protein. If you ate nothing but
potatoes you would still get enough protein.”7
For examples, go to table 7.3, which lists protein as a percentage of calories in several
fruits and vegetables.
Despite media campaigns purporting the contrary, consumption of meat can be
dangerous. T. Colin Campbell, a Nutritional Sciences professor at Cornell University,
recently published a book entitled The China Study. In his book, Campbell sites his
20-year study that details the correlation between increased animal protein (meat)
consumption and increased cancer incidence.
A study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition demonstrated a fivefold increase in bone loss by age 65 for meat eaters when compared to their vegetarian
 Even though Americans have the highest consumption of calcium in the
industrialized world, we also have the highest incidence of osteoporosis (per capita) in
the industrialized world. Why? Digestion of meat creates an acidic pH that must be
neutralized. The body will draw calcium (which is alkaline) from the bones to
neutralize the acid. Once again, high protein obtained from meat based diet, causes
health problems. Many people with calcium deficiencies actually improve their
situation by decreasing meat-based protein instead of increasing calcium intake.
Additional comment: Fruits and vegetables help to prevent the loss of bone mineral
density caused by meat digestion because they create a more alkaline environment in
the body--they neutralize the acid without depending on the neutralizing effects of the
bone minerals.37
Table 7.3
Produce Protein Produce Protein
 Item (% of Calories) Item (% of Calories)
apple 1% orange 8%
banana 5% peas 30%
broccoli 45% peach 6%
cabbage 22% pear 5%
cantaloupe 9% pineapple 3%
cauliflower 40% potatoes 11%
celery 21 % spinach 49%
cucumbers 24% strawberry 8%
garbanzo beans 23% sweet potatoes 6%
green beans 26% watermelon 8%
honeydew 10% wheat 17%
lettuce 34% whole grains 8-20%
oatmeal 15%
Looking at Table 7.3, it’s easy to see how a vegetarian can easily get adequate protein.38
Section 8
Acidity / Alkalinity
Food entering the body will be digested and metabolized into a residue. This residue
can have a pH (potential of hydrogen) that is alkaline, acidic or neutral. Measured on a
scale of 0 –14, the higher the pH the more alkaline and the lower the pH the more
acidic. If a solution has a pH of 7, it is neutral (neither acidic or alkaline). Ideally, a
well balanced diet will yield a desirable (alkaline) blood pH of 7.3 – 7.4. Foods that
create an acidic residue can move pH into the acidic range. Long-term acidic pH is a
stepping-stone to disease. Cancer for example can only gain a foothold and can only
survive in an acidic pH. Foods that create this acidic residue are found in Table 8.1.
Foods that create an alkaline ph are listed below.
Foods that create an alkaline pH are green vegetables such as:
Asparagus Celery Lettuce Spinach
Barley Grass Cucumber Okra Zucchini
Beets Garlic Onions
Broccoli Green Beans Parsley
“Green drinks” are one of the best additions to the daily diet of those wishing to
improve alkalinity and improve health. Green drinks are made from plants such as
young barley leaves, blue sea algae or green sea algae. The green drink that I chose to
use is called Barley Green and is one of if not the best brand of "green drink" on the
market today. Green drinks are rich with vegetable fibers and other nutrients
concentrated into a powdered “superfood”. Green drinks are available at Health Food
and Vitamin Stores or can be purchased through the mail. (See Appendix B,
Category Food Item
Beans Kidney Beans, Lima Beans, Pinto Beans, Navy
Beans, String Beans
Breads, Cereals & Grains
Rye Bread, Rye Wheat Bread, Sprouted Wheat Bread,
Spelt Bread, White Bread, Brown Rice, White Rice, Corn,
Buckwheat, Oats, Biscuits, Pastries, Pasta
Fruit Canned Fruit
Processed or Sweetened Fruit Juices
Blueberries, Cranberries, Cherries (Sour Variety), Plums,
Prunes and Rhubarb
Vegetables Cooked Spinach, Potatoes (skinless)
Eggs & Dairy All eggs and all dairy products from cow’s milk
(Soy and goat products are excluded)
Meat & Seafood All
Nuts & Seeds All seeds and all nuts except: Almond, Brazil, Chestnut,
Coconut, Hazelnut
Liquids All coffee, teas, wine, soft drinks, alcoholic
beverages and cocoa except: Green teas, ginger
teas and herbal teas.
*Note: white and green teas are recommended for cancer patients)
Oils (Cooking) Corn Oil, Sunflower Oil, Margarine, Lard
Sweeteners Artificial Sweeteners, Chocolate, Honey (processed),
Jam, Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Mustard, Sugar, Vinegar
Using pH strips purchased from a drug store, you can test you own pH levels in the
privacy of you home. A healthy body will have a urine pH of between 6.0 and 6.5 in
the morning and between 6.5 and 7.0 during the evening. A healthy person’s saliva pH
will typically stay between 6.5 and 7.5 throughout the entire day. Testing should be
done one hour before a meal and/or two hours after.
The purpose of measuring urine pH is to measure how well your body is as absorbing
minerals such as calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium. These 4 minerals are40
the “buffers” that help the body maintain a balance between acidic and alkaline. If the
body is ingesting or producing excessive amounts of acids or alkalis, the urine
becomes the means by which it will excrete the excess. If the body maintains a urine
pH of below 6.5, the body is being overwhelmed with acids and is no longer able to
buffer these substances properly. This signals a need to reduce acid intake and increase
alkaline intake. In response to this condition, the body will borrow the buffering
minerals (calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium) from bones and organs in
order to neutralize (buffer) these acids. Over time, this can create severe skeletal and
organ damage.
Why do lemons produce an alkaline ph instead of acidic? Simply answer: digestion.
When digested, lemons produce a residue that contains more calcium, sodium and
potassium. This classifies it as an alkaline food.41
Section 9
Studies have shown that stress weakens the immune system. Anything you can do to
reduce or eliminate stress will serve to boost your immune system and help rebuild
defenses. For suggestions on fighting stress, See Exercise (Section 10)
Practice deep-breathing exercises daily and as often as possible. This should be done
outdoors in fresh air if possible. If you have trouble remembering to do this, set
reminders in your mind. Maybe a good time is just before you sit down for each meal
of the day. Or, maybe it’s when you wake-up, just before lunch and before going to
sleep at night. The goal is to provide your cells with the added oxygen. You will feel
more energized as your healthy cells take in the added oxygen, while at the same time
creating an oxygen rich environment hostile to cancer. Remember, cancer cells are
anaerobic and only thrive in poorly oxygenated surroundings.
Hobbies are a great way to “unwind” and relax, thereby reducing stress. You may
even have a hobby you can do while adding a few of the deep breathing exercises
mentioned earlier.
Forgive those who have “wronged” you in the past and present. Make phone calls or
write letters telling those involved you have forgiven them or that you are asking them
for forgiveness. Released grudges, restored relationships and/or forgiveness can
eliminate tremendous amounts of stress and friction that you may not consciously
realize is present. If the person is no longer alive, write a letter forgiving the person of
wrongdoing and sign the letter. The resulting peace will reduce your stress.42
Section 10
If you have ever seen the movie Forest Gump, you will remember the part where
Forest goes for a walk and then just keeps going. From one coast – to the other
coast – and back again. That’s about the best thing that can be said about
exercise. Just go! Go for a walk. Then, do it again. Keep doing it day after day.
Research has shown that exercise creates improvement in several areas associated with
cancer risk. These include:
Ability to handle stress
Antioxidant Defense
DNA Repair
Hormone Levels (Important for hormone related cancers)
Immune Function
Lymphatic Drainage
Oxygenation of Cells
Exercise increases the flow of oxygen to the cells. In turn, this produces a more
oxygen rich (aerobic) environment, which lessens the ability of cancer cells to survive.
Cancer cells are anaerobic (sugar burning) and live in an under oxygenated
While 40% of Americans will eventually develop cancer, only 14% of
active Americans will get cancer. A half hour of exercise every other
day cuts the risk of breast cancer by 75%. 9
What should your exercise goal be? Obviously, during recovery, much depends
on your current physical condition. This said, experts recommend a weight bearing
exercise such as walking, jogging or “mini-trampoline” jumping for a minimum of 20
minutes, every other day.44
Section 11
Harmful Foods To Avoid
Red meats: beef, lamb, pork, etc. If you decide to eat these, read the section
about organic meats and meat rotation.
Organ meats: liver, gizzards, heart, etc.
Fish: catfish, shellfish (clams, mussels, oysters, scallops, lobster, shrimp, salmon,
tuna etc.) "Bottom Feeders"
Poultry: chicken, turkey, duck -- Unless "Wild", "Free Range" or Raised on a
“Certified Organic" Farm that uses no Antibiotics or Hormones
Dairy products: milk, skim milk, cheese, buttermilk, cottage cheese, ice cream,
yogurt, frozen yogurt, eggs etc. except butter (organic preferred)
Sugar in any form and foods with contained sugar: including honey, most fruits
(especially grapes), fruit juices (particularly orange, grape and apple juices), and
sweetened desserts. (For a list of acceptable fruits, see Acceptable Foods section.)
Avocados (High in fat.)
Aluminum-based baking powder; waffle, pancake and cake mixes, and baked goods
with aluminum compounds as one of the ingredients
Deep-fried foods (for acceptable fried foods, see Acceptable Foods Page)
Yeast-based nutritional supplements (most multi-vitamins and B-complexes have
Wine, beer and any alcoholic beverages or Soft Drinks
Artificial Sweeteners (have been shown to cause cancer)
Chocolate in any form (has caffeine)
Prescription drugs, especially immune suppressive medications such as Prednisone,
Decadron, Methotrexate, Aspirin, etc.
1 Refer to the RESOURCES page for information on cooking and recipe guidelines.45
Section 12
Helpful Foods
Read Labels
Whole-grains& Sprouted Grains in any form:
Complex carbohydrates: tortillas, pastas, bread, etc.
Pancakes and waffles
Whole grain breads: no preservatives
no dough conditioners (bromides, bromates).
Whole grain tortillas no preservatives
Butter: Must be organic
Brown Rice
Beans in moderation (low to medium acid levels)
Tofu in any form (Highly Recommended Food)
All vegetables, except sweet vegetables such as sweet potatoes or yams
Vegetable Juices -- But watch out for sugar and salt in brands like V-8!
Milk substitutes: Rice Dream, SoyUm, Westsoy beverages
Popcorn: Hot air popped
Spices and condiments except Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Mustard and Vinegar (acidic)
Herbal teas, purified water46
Section 13
Diet Change Summary
· No meat, poultry or fish. Although not recommended, if meat is to be eaten,
there are two important guidelines:
1. Meat must be organic. This means meat free from hormones, antibiotics and
steroids. This is available at larger health food stores that carry grocery items.
2. Rotate every 5 days. This means that a meat type eaten today would not be
 eaten again for at least 5 days.
 For example: Organic chicken eaten on Monday would not be eaten again
 before Saturday. Different organic meat would be eaten on Tuesday, even
 if it were another fowl such as turkey.
· NO DAIRY! Except butter (organic preferred)
· Eat plenty of organic vegetables (raw or lightly steamed) and organic grains
 (whole or sprouted)
· Low sodium, high potassium diet
· Starve the cancer. Eliminate all fruits and fruit juices (sugar source): slow tumor
growth by reducing the fuel available to the cancer cells. Cancer needs only
sugar to survive. Use cinnamon liberally. It helps regulate blood sugar and
provides a little of the “sweet” taste we look for in sugar. Some nutritionists
also suggest supplements of chromium and magnesium – check with your
nutritionist or dietician.47
Section 14
Additional Suggestions
Cancer patients have excessive amounts of aluminum in their bodies that must be
1) Avoid cooking in or boiling water in aluminum pots and pans. Stainless, Pyrex
or ceramic is preferred.
2) Use aluminum foil sparingly. Avoid covering “acidic” foods such as tomatobased foods (i.e., lasagna, spaghetti; fruits, etc.) with aluminum foil. These
acidic foods will actually absorb aluminum from the foil.
3) Aluminum salts are used to “clarify’ drinking water at many water purification
plants; therefore, distilled or secondary reverse osmosis purification is
suggested. Specialty water stores typically produce very high-quality drinking
and cooking water.
4) Through processing, distilled water looses its naturally occurring minerals. Over
time, this can lead to leaching (draining) of nutrients from the body. Although
this is not recommended as a permanent lifestyle change, it can be very
beneficial to drink distilled water during the recovery period since these void
molecules tend to bind with other molecules which can help detoxify the body.
5) Many deodorants and shaving creams contain an appreciable amount of
aluminum. Replace these with non-aluminum products available at health
6) Read labels.2
2 Refer to the RESOURCES page for information on cooking and recipe guidelines.48
Section 15
Drinking freshly extracted vegetable juice is the fastest method of obtaining the nutrients
needed to restore the body to health and a chemical balance. What's more:
Vegetables as solid food require hours of digesting before the nutrients become available
to the cells of your body. The fiber in vegetables have almost no nutritional value, yet
require a tremendous amount of energy from the digestive system in order to pass
through. This is energy that your body is literally diverting from making you healthy, to
digesting material void of nutritional value. The healthiest of individuals will only be
able to break down and assimilate up to 35% of the nutritional elements when eating
whole vegetables. A sick person will assimilate much less, sometimes less than 5%.
However, by juicing, the fibers are removed and the juice is now digested quickly and
made available to the cells within a matter of minutes -- AND -- these same individuals
now assimilate up to 92% of these same nutrients.
Why not cook the food instead? Cooking food will destroy over 80 percent of the
vitamins, kill ALL of the enzymes and turn the organic minerals and protein into
inorganic materials the body can no longer use.
 5 lb. bag of carrots
 1 head of celery
 1 medium to large zucchini squash
 1 - 2 cups of broccoli, cauliflower or sprouts
Drink 2 - 3 ea. 8oz glasses of Juice daily. Make this juice using organic vegetables
This recipe will make approximately 64oz of fresh carrot juice. Use airtight containers
(such as "mason" jars used for food canning) to bottle this juice immediately and avoid
oxidation by the surrounding air. THIS IS CRITICAL! Based on the type of juicer you
own or purchase, you will be able to store your juice for 24 - 72 hours before it will be
nutritionally "dead" and no longer beneficial to the body. (See "Juicer Selection"
below.) Keep this in mind when deciding how much juice to make. You may have to
reduce the quantities in the recipe above to avoid wasting juice (and money).
There are 4 different types of Juicers on the market and the differences are critical to this
process and your recovery. The first type of juicer is the department store variety used
for making things like "fruit smoothies". They usually spin at high speed and have some
type of "cage" or screen filter through which they force the vegetable to create juice.
Average retail price is approx. $100. While these may work well for other things, they
are not acceptable for making carrot juice due to their rapid oxidation of the juice as it
spins through the air. Type I juicers (average price: about $200) will allow you to store
juice for up to 24 hours. The brand we recommend is called "Champion". Type II
juicers (average price: about $400 - $600) will allow you to store juice for up to 48
hours. The brand we recommend is "Green Power".50
Section 16
Juice Plus+
Juice Plus+ is a "Dream Come True" for anyone who has been through the labors of
making their own fresh juice with a juicer. JUICE PLUS+ is literally comprised of 17
different fruits and vegetables weighing a total of 5.9 lbs. before being reduced to 4
capsules. Because we all know that "Anything which seems to good to be true, usually
is", I had to do the research on this one. The facts remain; this product really does
contain the nutrients from these fruits and vegetables. Best of all, sugar is removed
during production. The result is that even Cancer patients can now get the nutritional
elements from fruits that they would normally forfeit.
Juice Plus+ capsules have been published in over 9 different peer-reviewed,
independent medical journals. Among other health improvements, it has been shown
- Raise the level of T-cells, which help guard against cancer cells and with
destroying virus-infected cells in the body.10
- Increase the activity of natural killer cells, which seek out and destroy cancer
cells. 11
- Improve the levels of cytokines, which are proteins that help T-cells and natural
killer cells do their jobs. 12
- Reduce DNA damage (the first step in degenerative diseases like cancer) by
66% and increase DNA repair after 80 days of ingestion. 13
For a listing of the ingredients in JUICE PLUS+, see the next two pages:51
CARROTS: super food source for beta carotene; lowers cholesterol, fights infection,
cancer, heart and eye disease A carrot per day cuts stroke rates in women by 68%.
BARLEY: known as heart medicine in the Middle east; reduces cholesterol, potent
PARSLEY: high concentration of antioxidants: great anticancer vegetable, good for
the heart and immune system, and lowers blood pressure.
BEETS: contain folic acid, iron, calcium, and potassium.
KALE: super food source for beta-carotene, indoles, and calcium.
BROCCOLI: beta-carotene, indoles, sulforaphane, vitamin C, calcium, anti-cancer,
anti-ulcer, protects heart, great source of chromium, which regulates blood sugar.
CABBAGE: thought to help block breast cancer and suppress -growth of polyps; in
studies, eating cabbage more than once per week cuts colon cancer odds by 66%,
contains anti-ulcer compounds.
OATS: high antioxidant activity stabilizes blood sugar, reduces cholesterol
SPINACH: food most eaten by people who don’t get cancer; rich source of
antioxidants and cancer antagonists; rich in fiber, lowers blood cholesterol.
TOMATO: major source of lycopene, an anti-cancer agent; linked to lower rates of
pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer and cervical cancer.
SOLUBLE AND INSOLUBLE FIBERS: beet fiber, oat bran, barley bran, cabbage fiber,
plant cellulose, glucommanan, dried plant fiber; will cleanse digestive tract/ blood,
lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, fights cancer and heart disease.
ENZYMES: Lipase, Amylase, Protease, and Cellulase.
ACIDOPHILUS: protective digestive bacteria
OTHER FOOD ACTIVES: Allicin, Lycopenes, Polyphenol, Catechins, D. Salina, Indole
Carbinols, d-Calciurn Glucarate.
VITAMINS AND MINERALS: antioxidant vitamins: C, beta-carotene, natural E, B
complex, calcium, magnesium.52
APPLES: contain boron, a trace mineral that affects the electrical activity of the brain
and increasing mental alertness, reduces cholesterol, high in fiber.
ORANGES: contain every class of cancer-inhibitor known; rich in vitamin C and betacarotene, may help ward off asthma attacks, bronchitis, breast cancer, stomach cancer
and gum disease.
PINEAPPLE: contains bromelain, which aids digestion; good for joints and muscles,
reduces swelling, high manganese makes it good for preventing osteoporosis and bone
CRANBERRIES: have been shown to be beneficial in preventing and treating urinary
tract infections.
PEACHES: contain boron, which aids in calcium absorption, rich in antioxidants, such
as beta-carotene and vitamin C.
ACEROLA CHERRIES: source of vitamin C, shown to be helpful in minimizing
symptoms of osteoarthritis.
PAPAYA: source of vitamin A, helps digestion.
SOLUBLE AND INSOLUBLE FIBERS: Apple & citrus pectin, date fiber, prune powder,
dried plant fiber, glucomannan, cleanse the system. Lower cholesterol and blood
pressure; fight cancer, heart disease, and obesity.
ENZYMES; Bromelain, Papain, Lipase, Amylase, Protease, Cellulase.
FOOD ACTIVES: Citrus Bioflavonoids, Acidophilus, Polyphenol Catechins, D. Salina,
d-Calcium Glucarate. Indole Carbinols
VITAMINS AND MINERALS: Antioxidant vitamins; C, beta-carotene, natural
vitamin E, vitamin B complex, calcium, magnesium.53
Body Weight Suggested Dosage
40 -90 lbs. 1 fruit capsule in the a.m.
1 veggie capsule in the p.m.
 90 - 190 lbs. 2 fruit capsules in the a.m.
2 veggie capsules in the p.m.
 190 - 290 lbs. 3 fruit capsules in the a.m.
3 veggie capsules in the p.m.
 290 - 390 lbs. 4 fruit capsules in the a.m.
4 veggie capsules in the p.m.
Body Weight Suggested Dosage
40 -90 lbs. 2 fruit capsules in the a.m.
2 veggie capsules in the p.m.
 90 - 190 lbs. 4 fruit capsules in the a.m.
4 veggie capsules in the p.m.
 190 - 290 lbs. 6 fruit capsules in the a.m.
6 veggie capsules in the p.m.
 290 - 390 lbs. 8 fruit capsules in the a.m.
8 veggie capsules in the p.m.54
Section 17
Anti-angiogenesis means to prevent blood vessel formation. Cancer tumors MUST form
new blood vessels to grow. Anything that stops or reverses this process will prevent the
tumor from growing and, in many cases, actually "dry-up" the newly formed vessels
feeding the tumor. If this happens, the tumor dies.
CELL FORTE with IP-6 -- is an anti-cancer compound and natural antioxidant that has
been shown to stop cell growth (tumors) in some patients. Made from two different
molecules of rice, IP-6 is totally natural and non-toxic. Because of its natural
ingredients, patients currently undergoing other treatments such as radiation and
chemotherapy can take IP-6. IP-6 is available in vitamin and health food stores for
approximately $25 for 120 capsules. Dosage will vary, but due to its all-natural, nontoxic ingredients, most patients will take 6 or more capsules per day depending on
body weight. A knowledgeable herbalist who has experience dealing with cancer
patients will be invaluable for consulting on dosage. For those patients wishing to
discuss IP-6 with their physician, refer the physician to "Med-Line" (a national
computer database for physicians) for abstracts and summaries of studies done on
human cancers.
SHARK CARTILAGE -- is another natural anti-cancer compound that has been shown to
stop or reverse cell growth (tumors) in some patients. Shark Cartilage is just what it
sounds like - processed cartilage from sharks. For patients in whom Shark Cartilage is
effective, the processes are much like those described above for IP-6.
CONCENTRATED SHARK CARTILAGE: Can be purchased from Vitamin Stores in 3
1. Liquid: sublingual use (under the tongue) for maximum effect.
2. Powder
3. Capsule
Do not settle for off - brand or inexpensive alternatives. Stay with brand names55
from manufacturers who are well known for their quality. Unlike IP-6, there are
several brands of Shark Cartilage on the market. The original manufacturer of Shark
Cartilage is Lane Labs, and the brand they offer is called "Benefin". Although they do
offer an extremely high quality product, you are still paying a premium for the name.
There are several other acceptable high quality brands available from manufacturers
such as: Olympic, Twin Labs and others. A good nutrition store manager can show
you which brands are from highly recognized manufacturers.
REMEMBER -- As with all anti-cancer compounds, IP-6 and Shark Cartilage are not
effective in 100% of patients. If they were, the world would proclaim a "cure" for
cancer. However, if either one or both of these compounds work in YOUR body, then
they become tools that can help you keep the Cancer from developing while you work
to restore your immune system.
The only true cure for Cancer is to restore the body to its chemically balanced state and
strengthen the immune system so that it can once again destroy developing cancer cells.
Consider taking IP-6 AND Shark Cartilage. Since you will not be able to tell which
one of these two products may work for you, you may want to use them both. They
are not overly expensive, nor do they interfere with each other or any other substance
you may be taking (due to their all-natural composition). More importantly – they may
just help save your life!
· 40% soy concentrate extract (phytoestrogen’s: helps block estrogen
receptors for female cancers)
· Modified Citrus Pectin (prostate or Hodgkin’s lymphoma): 1 rounded
teaspoon Twice Daily
· High soy based diet: tofu, soy sauce and soy meat substitutes
· High cruciferous diet: broccoli, cauliflower (See Sections 14 and 15 on
Juicing and Juice Plus+)
*NOTE: For patients with female cancers – Always research the effects and
recommendations concerning soy intake with regard to your particular cancer type.
Oral intake of 6,000 to 10,000 grams (consult your nutritionist or Holistic
physician) of a Buffered Vitamin C (pH 6.8) containing:56
> Beet-derived vitamin C > Magnesium
> Calcium > Potassium
Raw dehydrated garlic. 1 Capsule Twice Daily *Note: some Garlic capsules on the
market do not dissolve well and are less effect than others. One of the best garlic
products available is: Garlinase 4000. Garlic has several benefits, including:
Researchers have found that the chemical allicin, (found in garlic) may penetrate and
kill tumor cells. Garlic may also reduce risk of heart disease and has been shown to
fight parasites and viral infections, contain powerful antioxidant properties and reduce
fungal infections. 14 Fungal infections include yeast, which is common in cancer
Section 18
· People with heavy metal accumulation MUST treat this accumulation. Get with a
healthcare professional such as a holistic physician or master herbalist familiar with
treating this problem. Heavy metals include mercury, lead, arsenic and uranium.
Suggested Treatments for heavy metal accumulation (by a physician) include:
1. Oral DMSA (PDR: Chemet): 250 mg every other day, reduce to 100mg if
 high mercury (Removal of amalgams, root canals or cavitations are not
suggested immediately: as they may enhance mercury levels and make the
disorder worse.)
2. DMPS injections (Use with caution): start at 2.5cc
3. EDTA chelation therapy (Pb, Cd, As, etc.)
· IV vitamin C: 50 grams to 200 grams daily if required of beet-derived vitamin C in
D5W IV carrier solution for maximum carcinoma cytotoxic effect with added
magnesium + calcium + potassium (preferred for advanced cancers) -- consult your
· Intra rectal vitamin C with minerals and glutathione, 1 to 2 dosages daily:
 convenient and inexpensive for patient, however dosage is low. -- Consult your
 Section 19
Best Doctors
For those who are unconvinced about the idea of using non-traditional medicine to
treat their condition, there is a nominally priced service whereby the TOP
PHYSICIANS in the country and/or world can be reached by the patient. These are
doctors who specialize in your type of cancer, and who have been ranked highest in the
world based on treatment success.
The service is called Best Doctors. Their phone number is 1-888-DOCTORS
(1-888-362-8677) and their web site is: www.bestdoctors.com59
Section 20
A Cancer Therapy: Results of Fifty Cases -- by Max Gerson, available at
Price: $13.57
Recipes for Life from God's Garden -- by Rhonda Malkmus, available at Barnes and Noble
bookstores or by calling 704-481-1700. Price: $24.95
God's Way to Ultimate Health -- by George Malkmus, available at Barnes and Noble
bookstores or by calling 704-481-1700. Price: $18.99
Back To The House of Health -- by Shelley Redford Young, available by calling 800-777-
2665 or This book is a MUST HAVE FOR CANCER PATIENTS.
This book will give you over 100 recipes that alkalinize the blood and thus weaken cancer.
Price: $24.95
JUICE PLUS+ -- available from independent distributors.
IP-6 -- available from health and vitamin stores or via the internet.
Shark Cartilage -- available from health and vitamin stores or via the Internet.
Barley Green -- available from health and vitamin stores or via the Internet.
MGN3 -- incredible immune system builder, -- 800-526-3005
Nature's First Law: The Raw Food Diet, by Arlin · Dini · Wolfe, Maul Bros. Publishing,
San Diego, Ca. Price $14.95.60
Appendix A
Coffee Enema Procedure
The information below is part of the Gerson Therapy Diet. It comes from a book
entitled The Gerson Therapy by Charlotte Gerson and Morton Walker.
Charlotte Gerson is the daughter of Dr. Max Gerson who cured 1000's of people with
all types of terminal diseases including over 100 types of cancer. Charlotte is in her
80's and still runs the offices for the Gerson Institute in San Diego.
Their phone number is 888-4-GERSON and their website is
Self-administration of the regular coffee enema has been modified slightly and is now
made as follows:
1. Take three rounded tablespoonfuls of drip-grind coffee and add them to a quart
of boiling water (use distilled water if your drinking water is furnished from a
fluoridated water source; use filtered water if you reside in an average drinking
water area).
2. Let the mixture boil for three minutes uncovered and allow it to simmer for
another fifteen minutes more covered.
3. Strain the solution through a fine strainer to catch floating coffee grounds. Or
employ a coarser strainer lined with a filter cloth, such as an old, used piece of
white sheeting or a piece cut from a knit undershirt. Add enough hot water to
refill a glass container up to the 1-quart level. (Some water will have been lost in
boiling and straining.)
4. Prepare yourself to instill this coffee solution into the rectum when it cools to
body temperature.61
The patient should lie either on the padded floor (use a cushioning mat) or on a
mattress protected with a plastic sheet, either setup should be covered for comfort
with a towel. Rather than the floor or a bed, some patients use a camp bed or the
famous enema bench. This enema bench is made up of a table, about the size of a 4-
foot-by-2-foot cocktail table, covered with a 3- to 4-inch-thick layer of foam rubber,
which, in turn, is covered with some Naugahyde or plastic for easy cleaning.
In fact, if you are able to get up and down easily, most often a clean bathroom floor
works best for giving yourself an enema. If that is the case, you may prefer to put
some soft padding on the bathroom floor, cover it with plastic and a towel (a lawn
chaise pad is excellent), plop down a pillow, and lie down on that padded floor. Be
sure, in any case, that you or the patient you’re assisting are comfortable and warm.
The patient should lie on his or her right side, with legs pulled up in a relaxed
position. If, due to pain, the patient is unable to lie on the right side, it is acceptable to
lie on one’s back, also with legs pulled up. Lie on the left side only as a last resort
because the coffee enema goes deeper into the bowel most effectively from the right
side. Take your time letting gravity force the fluid into your rectum and bowel. Have
the bottom of an enema bag or bucket elevated only about 18 inches above the tube’s
end that is penetrating one’s anus.
The enema once fully infused into the colon should, ideally, be held for twelve to
fifteen minutes. By that time, almost all the available caffeine has been absorbed. It is
not suggested to hold it longer than fifteen minutes, since the liquid will also be
absorbed into the system. If a person cannot hold the enema for twelve minutes, he or
she should do the best they can without trying desperately to retain the fluid, which
could bring on abdominal cramping. If she or he can only manage say six to nine
minutes, do release the liquid at that shorter interval. Eventually, holding the coffee
enema inside the bowel for twelve minutes does become quite comfortable. It merely
takes practice, and some people have taken three or four months before achieving the
ideal time period.
Occasionally, a patient is bedfast and cannot get up for an enema or go to the
bathroom. In that case, assistance from a support person is required. Then, proceed as
we have described above and:
1. Cover the mattress and bed clothing with plastic and a towel.
2. Have the patient take the enema while lying in bed.
3. Hold the quart of fluid if possible for from twelve to fifteen minutes, and62
provide the patient with a bedpan.
4. If incontinence is a complication, the enema has to be introduced while the
patient is lying on the bedpan.
As we’ve mentioned—and it’s an important point—the enema bucket or bag should
not be more than 18 inches (50 cm) above the body so the coffee does not flow into
the bowel under too much pressure. The reason for this becomes all too apparent
rather quickly. An excessive height could cause excessive pressure and easily set
If cramping occurs, stop the flow of liquid, either by pinching the tube closed or by
lowering the bucket or bag to the level of the body for a little while. Then resume the
enema’s flow
A number of patients, at the start of the treatment, have reported experiencing
difficulty getting a full quart of liquid into the colon. If that becomes the situation for
you or your loved one, start with whatever amount is most comfortably received. Let
the patient take and hold that lesser amount; expel it, and then accept the rest of the
Some people are able to take a full quart of coffee solution from the start, but at the
time of going through their first healing reaction, they can’t even take half that
amount. This may come from toxic pressure produced by the liver. It requires the
same sort of procedure as just described: take as much liquid as is comfortable to
hold; expel it, and then take the rest.
There are many variations to the coffee enema. Some patients, if suffering from an
irritated bowel, colitis, diarrhea, bleeding, or cramping, may find it more comfortable
to use half a quart of the regular coffee and add half a quart of chamomile tea. This
combination is soothing to the intestinal tract and usually helps to clear the above
In case of serious diarrhea, it may be necessary to eliminate the coffee and use only
chamomile tea. Usually; as symptoms clear away, some coffee concentrate can
slowly be added to the herb tea, starting with 2 to 4 ounces, then 6 to 8 ounces
(always maintaining the quart quantity as the ideal measurement), until the patient
can again handle the full coffee enema.
Chamomile tea rather than coffee is also useful at the start of the Gerson Therapy.
During that time, when patients are required to receive five coffee enemas a day, the
last one at 10:00 P.M. may tend to keep them awake. In that case, we recommend that63
such individuals replace the last coffee enema with chamomile tea. Usually, in three
to four days, the 10:00 P.M. coffee enema no longer causes loss of sleep.
In a few special cases (during severe reactions, in heavy tumor absorption, or in case
of pain striking during the night), Dr. Gerson also suggested a nighttime enema. If the
patient cannot sleep because of pain or discomfort, it’s better for the patient to get up
and out of bed at 2:00 or 3:00 A.M. to take a coffee enema rather than to toss and
turn and not sleep anyway. Instillation of that coffee enema often allows the
individual to go back to sleep. It may be surprising to some, but these middle-of-thenight enemas never seem to keep the patient awake.
Very-early-morning enemas are also extremely important for drug addicts who wake
up with nightmares due to toxicity or from withdrawal symptoms. Here is a tip
learned recently: before taking the nighttime or first morning enema, it is wise to eat
a piece of fruit or have some applesauce or fruit salad (placed on the night table by
the patient’s bedside) to raise the blood sugar a little.64
Appendix B
Coffee Enema Benefits
Enemas made from drip-grind boiled coffee have proven themselves an advantageous
means of restoring the liver. The caffeine drug in coffee administered as an enema
definitely detoxifies the liver and is a primary therapeutic approach of the Gerson
Therapy. “This treatment should be followed strictly, both in the clinic and later at
home, for at least two years. The liver is the main organ for the regeneration of the
body’s metabolism for the transformation of food from intake to output,” writes Dr.
The water delivered through the bowel dilutes the bile and causes an even greater
increase in bile flow. There is a flushing of toxic bile, which is further affected by the
body’s enzymatic catalyst known to physiologists as glutathione S-transferase (GST).
The GST is increased in quantity in the small bowel by 700 percent, which is an
excellent physiological effect, because this enzyme quenches free radicals. These
quenched radicals leave the liver and gallbladder as bile salts flowing through the
duodenum. The bile salts are carried away by peristalsis (waves of motion2
) in the gut,
traveling from the small intestine, through the colon, and out the rectum…GST blocks
and detoxifies carcinogens, which require oxidation or reduction to be activated. Its
catalytic function produces a protective effect against many chemical carcinogens…
The coffee enema has a very specific purpose in the treatment and reversal of
degenerative diseases. As stated by Dr. Peter Lechner, it lowers the quantity of blood
serum toxins, literally cleaning the poisons out of the fluids nourishing normal cells…
Twenty years after his death, editors at the highly scientific journal Physiological
Chemistry and Physics complimented Dr. Gerson by reprinting one of his works. They
affirmed, “Caffeine enemas cause dilation of bile ducts, which facilitates excretion of
toxic cancer breakdown products by the liver and dialysis of toxic products from blood
across the colonic wall.”…
 As mentioned in Appendix A this information comes from the book entitled The Gerson Therapy, Charlotte Gerson and
Morton Walker, 2001
 Notation in italics added.65
The coffee enema is in a class by itself as a therapeutic agent. In no way does the oral
administration of beverage coffee have the same effect as its rectal administration. On
the contrary, drinking coffee virtually ensures re-absorption of toxic bile. While other
agents classed as stimulators of bile flow (choleretics) do increase bile production from
the liver, they hardly enhance any detoxifying by that organ’s enzyme systems.
Choleretics do nothing to ensure the passage of bile from the intestines out the rectum.
“It’s a physiological fact that bile is normally reabsorbed up to ten times by the body
before working its way out of the intestines in feces…
…Because it does not allow re-absorption of toxic bile by the liver across the gut wall,
it is an entirely effective means of detoxifying the bloodstream through existing
enzyme systems in both the liver and the small intestine…Because the stimulating
enema is retained for up to fifteen minutes, and because all the blood in the body
passes through the liver nearly every three minutes, coffee enemas represent a form of
dialysis of blood across the gut wall.”
Coffee enemas are safe when used within the context of the combined regime of the
Gerson Therapy. Dr. Gerson’s stated intention in supplying a sodium-restricted, highpotassium, high-micronutrient diet of fruits vegetables, and whole grains was to supply
all nutrients, known and unknown, which are necessary for cell respiration and energy
production. High-potassium, low-sodium environments tend to return cell macromolecules to normal configuration states and to improve water structuring and water
content. The addition by Dr. Gerson of supplemental potassium salts as acetate,
gluconate, and phosphate (monobasic) to the diet, in which malate is supplied by
frequent use of apples, improves the efficiency of the tricarboxylie acid (Krebs) cycle
in mitochondrial energy production. The Krebs cycle is a series of enzyme reactions in
which the body uses carbohydrates, proteins, and fats to yield carbon dioxide, water,
and energy for organ functions.
Animal protein restriction, employed by Dr. Gerson as a temporary aspect of treatment
for his degenerative disease patients, was observed even in the late nineteenth century
to aid in the reduction of cellular edema (swelling)4
. Administration of high loading
doses of thyroid hormone and Lugol’s solution result in multiplication of mitochondria,
which have their own DNA and RNA and replicate independently of the cell. Thyroid is
known to improve cell oxidation of sugars and therefore ATP production so that cell
energy is markedly increased.
These numerous treatment mechanisms, including coffee enemas, proposed by Dr.
Max Gerson achieve the following. They:
• Reduce blood serum toxins to eliminate chronic challenge to damaged normal
 Notation in italics added.66
cells (macromolecules)
• Improve cell potassium ion content,
• Reduce cell sodium content,
• Reduce cell swelling through improved water structuring,
• Increase cell mitochondria count and activity, and
• Supply micronutrients necessary for cell energy production and repair.
For a person attempting to cope with any form of chronic or acute illness occurring
from some degenerative process, the contribution of low blood serum toxin levels by
the regular administration of coffee enemas is basic to achieving increased cell energy
production, enhanced tissue integrity, improved blood circulation, boosted immunity,
better tissue repair, and cellular regeneration. All of these beneficial physiological
effects have been observed clinically to result from the administration of the combined
regime of the Gerson healing program. Unquestionably, taking coffee enemas is among
the most vital aspects of the Gerson Therapy…
In a succinct manner, Dr. Max Gerson summarized the best procedure for selfadministration of a coffee enema. He had written down the simple steps in abbreviated
form for easy following. Those directions were recorded in his famous text for the
medical consumer, and the Gerson Institute has carried forward with refinements to his
method as described in its volume of educational literature.
Dr. Gerson suggests that the individual assume a specific body position when taking a
coffee enema. He writes: “To make enemas most effective, the patient should lie on his
right side, with both legs drawn close to the abdomen, and breathe deeply, in order to
suck the greatest amount of fluid into all parts of the colon. The fluid should be
retained ten to fifteen minutes.”
As was described by now-deceased Harold Manner, Ph.D., … within twelve minutes
nearly all the caffeine from the coffee is absorbed through the bowel wall and into the
hemorrhoidal veins. From these blood vessels it flows directly into the portal veins and
then into the liver. Dr. Gerson advises for cancer patients and other very sick people
that during the first months of treatment, enemas may be taken as frequently as every
four hours, day and night, for their optimal effect. Some terminal cancer patients save
their lives and restore health by taking five coffee enemas each day for months at a
The daily amount of coffee liquid can be prepared at one time, or a more concentrated
coffee solution may be made and then diluted down to the required strength for
repeated separate enemas during consecutive applications.67
Detoxification of the body is one of the most important life enhancement contributions
of the Gerson Therapy. The coffee enema is the basic procedure employed; but since
the colon is a highly absorptive organ, enemas can be applied for various reasons. …
enemas go back to the ancients, and are described in literature through the ages.68
Section 3: What Is Cancer
1 Ames, Bruce, PhD, Cancer researcher, University of California at Berkeley
Section 5: Complicating Issues
2 Studies done by medical physicist Freeman W. Cope, MD. Ph.D.
Section 6: Tradition vs. Nutrition
3 Quillin, Patrick, Beating Cancer with Nutrition, p.42, 2001
4 Mercola, Joseph, Review of Questioning Chemotherapy by Ralph Moss,
5 Quillin, Patrick, Beating Cancer with Nutrition, p.34, 2001
Section 7: Reverse The Cancer
6 Graham, Doug, D.C. The High Energy Diet (Video),
7 Vegetarianism,
8 AG Marsh, TV Sanchez, FL Chaffee, GH Mayor and O Mickelsen, Bone
mineral mass in adult lacto-ovo-vegetarian and omnivorous males, American
Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol 37, 453-456
Section 10: Exercise
9 Quillin, Patrick, Beating Cancer with Nutrition, p.37, 2001
Section 16: Juice Plus+
10,11,12 MJ Smith,1 PF Inserra,2 RD Bowden,1 JA Wise,3 R Hesslink Jr.,3 RR
Watson,2 and KL O'Neill, Supplementation With Fruit and Vegetable
Extracts Reduces DNA Damage In The Peripheral Lymphocytes Of An
Elderly Population, Integrative Medicine,1999
13 MJ Smith,1 PF Inserra,2 RD Bowden,1 JA Wise,3 R Hesslink Jr.,3 RR
Watson,2 and KL O'Neill, Supplementation With Fruit and Vegetable
Extracts Reduces DNA Damage In The Peripheral Lymphocytes Of An
Elderly Population, Nutrition Research, October, 1999
Section 17: Supplements
14 Mercola, Joseph and Droege, Rachael, Six Ways Garlic Can Improve Your

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